Rec Coach Certification Requirements

All Rec programs who plan to compete or participate in any OCCA or OSAA Sanctioned event must complete the OCCA Rec Team Program Form. This is an annual requirement. This includes proof of current team insurance.
NEW THIS YEAR: In addition, all Rec coaches must submit proof of all certifications via the OCCA Rec Coach Certification Form to be eligible to attend as a Coach at any OCCA or OSAA Sanctioned event. This is also an annual requirement. This includes volunteer coaches.  

Required Certifications

  • OSAA Spirit Safety Course – Required annually: CLICK HERE
  • NFHS Fundamentals of Coaching OR OSAA Beyond the Scoreboard (must choose one) – One time requirement: CLICK HERE
  • NFHS Concussion in Sports – Required annually: CLICK HERE
  • NFHS Heat Illness and Prevention – Required every 4 years: CLICK HERE
  • NFHS Appearance & Performance Enhancing Drugs & Substances - Required every 4 years: CLICK HERE

Recommended Certifications

The courses below are not required, but are highly recommended to all recreational/youth program coaches.

Any questions, please reach out the OCCA Rec Liaison,