Choreographers & Guest Coach Certification Requirements

Any guest coach or choreographer that has contact with students more than three times in a sport season, the coach shall no longer be considered a "guest" and must be certified.

A non-certified "guest" coach may not serve as a coach at a contest. Coaches may not use this provision to circumvent the training requirements, i.e. a regular coach does not get a three day grace period to interact with participants prior to being wholly certified.

Required Certifications: (for anyone working three or more times with a specific team)

Fundamentals of Coaching (One time requirement)

Concussion in Sports (Annual - required every year)

Heat Illness Prevention (Quadrennial - required every 4 years)

Appearance and Performance Enhancing Drugs and Substances Training (Quadrennial - required every 4 years)

Interrupting and Preventing Discriminatory Acts Training (One time requirement)

Spirit Safety Annual - Cheerleading specific  (Annual - required every year)

All can be found at:

​If you have questions, please email Lauren Brownrigg at OSAA,